From Radios to Racetracks: Tsunoda’s Steely Resolve at Top Speed

From Radios to Racetracks: Tsunoda's Steely Resolve at Top Speed
Image source: Autosport
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Tsunoda: Not ranting on radio harder than G-force driving an F1 car

Yuki Tsunoda, a driver in his fourth season in Formula 1, has become known for his emotional outbursts over team radio messages. During the Bahrain Grand Prix, Tsunoda expressed his struggle to control his emotions when asked to let his teammate pass, admitting that self-control is an area he needs to work on to potentially secure a Red Bull seat for the next season. In the Saudi Arabia race, Tsunoda faced a test of his composure when he was illegally overtaken by Kevin Magnussen and tactically held up, but he felt satisfied with how he handled the situation. Despite feeling stressed without using team radio, Tsunoda acknowledged the challenge in staying composed and the energy it requires, more so than racing an F1 car itself. He expressed determination to improve in this aspect and continue demonstrating progress in managing his emotions on the track.

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